Website of the professional institute where I receive ongoing training on one type of somatic therapy:

To read about how a somatic therapy has evolved from a research treatment for soldiers suffering from PTSD to an accepted therapy that can help many different types of trauma, this New York Times article in interesting and informative.
A Revolutionary Approach to Treating PTSD

A beautiful resource created by a non-therapist in an effort to help others learn about and recover from trauma using a “self-help” model. She has created a wealth of information and exercises that are very easy to read and user-friendly.

21 things you can do while you’re living through a traumatic experience

Helpful, reader-friendly books to better understand the trauma response and how the somatic therapies can heal:

Body Keeps Score

The Body Keeps Score by Bessel van der Kolk


Waking the Tiger

Waking the Tiger by Peter Levine


Teen Resources
Here are two helpful articles that may make understanding your teen’s mental health needs more clear.
How Anxiety and Depression Begin in a Child’s Brain

Teenage Mood Disorders

Some excellent information from the National Institute of Mental Health on how the adolescent brain is different from an adult’s brain.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health